Great British Menu ™
Great British Menu ™ - Chef Name:
Surpise, surprise
Liv: "The name of my dish is "Surprise, Surprise" and it's in honor of Cilla Black.
Liv: "I'm going to be basically cooking liver, bacon and cabbage. That was Cilla Black's favorite meal, I've made my own bacon with the pork belly, so I've got a really nice cure on that. And then for the liver, I'm actually going to make a parfait. I'm going to pipe that into a little tartlet and top that with a really nice orange jelly. And then I've got the Hispi cabbage. I'm going to blanch it in a little bit of water and pork stock.
Paul Ainsworth: "You're going to make sure you've got the Konro hot enough and you're going to get a proper char?"
Liv: "Yeah."
Paul Ainsworth: " I see a ... stock cube!!"
Liv: "One of Cilla's little favorite snacks is that she used to rub a little stock cube over an orange. So that's going to be the finishing touch over the top of the orange jelly."
Notes taken during cooking
Liv gets going on the chicken liver parfait. She combines chicken livers with a syrupy port reduction.
Liv plans to top her liver parfait tarts with a layer of orange jelly, a nod to Scylla's favorite snack.
Liv: "Typically, with a parfait, you'd always have a sweet element served with it. And this is just that."
Later ...
Liv, meanwhile, is lining her chicken parfait cases with pastry before blind baking.
Liv: "This is just the livers with a little bit of the reduction with port. I'm just blitzing this together and then I'm going to emulsify it. So I'm just getting my hispi cabbage started."
Liv came unstuck with the Japanese barbecue in her fish course as the coals weren't hot enough.
Liv barbecues her home cured bacon and finishes her sweetbreads in foaming butter.
Liv is plating first and is feeling the heat as she trims her home cured bacon.
Liv fills the tart cases with parfait, and the orange jelly is added.
She asks her peers for help: "If you can just follow behind with a slice of bacon. And then it's just going to go a piece of hispi cabbage and then sweetbread after that."
Livia crumbles beef stock cube over the jelly, and the dishes are served with the red wine jus finished with garlic buds alongside.
Recipes inspired by this season of Great British Menu ™

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