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Sticky Toffee Pudding Cookies

Sticky Toffee Pudding Cookies

Prep. Time:

20 mins

Baking Time:

30 mins

Total Time:

1 hour


Serves 6 hungry people (or, in my house, 1 comfort-eater)


1 lb cookie dough (use the version for 'wet additions')
8 oz pitted dates, soaked for at least 1 hour in boiling water, then drained
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
3 oz marzipan / almond paste
1 egg white
Sticky Toffee Sauce


Blend the dates to a paste with the bicarbonate of soda. Add just enough of the soaking water to avoid a fibrous mush. Don't blend to a smooth liquid - it's nice to see flecks of date.

Beat the date paste into the cookie dough for just a few moments, leaving the dough marbled.

Roll the dough onto a floured surface - I recommend a thickness of about 3/16".

Stamp out cookie shapes and put into a cupcake tray so that the cookie forms a slight cup.

Roll out the marzipan, very thinly. Put a disc of marzipan in the base of each cookie and brush with egg white (this is to stop the sticky toffee sauce from making a soggy cookie-bottom).

Bake at 350 degrees for 7 minutes

While still hot, pipe or pour sticky toffee sauce on top of the marzipan (see image above of the cookies at this stage in the process).

Stamp out lids from the previously rolled cookie dough and place carefully on top of the sauce.

Bake at 350 degrees for 6 minutes.

Pantry Essentials required by this recipe
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