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Raspberry Maras Ice Cream

Raspberry Maras Ice Cream

Prep. Time:

1 hour

Baking Time:

5 hours

Total Time:

6 hours


6 - 8

Relaxed Recipes



600 ml milk
200 ml thick cream
300 g caster sugar
1 tablespoon salep powder
20 g raspberry powder


Mix everything really well in a blender or with an electric whisk. Pour it into a pan and warm over medium heat to dissolve the sugar, stirring all the time.

Once the sugar has dissolved, turn the heat down as low as you can and keep cooking, stirring often, until it thickens. It could take 15 minutes or more but it will eventually thicken up.

Leave to cool.

Ideally, use an ice-cream machine, but if that's not available, freeze but remember to take it out of the freezer at least every 30 minutes and whisk to break up ice crystals. At some point it will become solid and you can stop worrying about ice crystals.

Remove from the freezer about 15 minutes before serving.

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