The plan here isn't for me to tell you EXACTLY what to do ... that's not my recipe style. I see it more as my role to hint at what might work and then let you experiment with your own brilliance.
These are things that might work to thicken a savory dish:
Roux - Use more or less equal quantities of butter and flour. Melt the butter, stir in the flour, mix it to a smooth paste. Cook well. If you choose to use 'roux' as your thickener, just be a little careful - it can make some dishes a little floury.
Cornstarch - You can thicken a dish by mixing cornstarch with water and mixing in to your dish. Be careful with cornstarch if the dish you're thickening is going to be cooked for a long time - cornstarch (also known as cornflour in some parts of the world) breaks down if it's heated for too long. Consider it adding it to a stew or soup immediately before serving.
Reduction - If you have time, then try leaving your dish over a gentle heat for a long time - liquid will evaporate off and the dish will thicken. Reduction intensifies the flavor, so keep tasting as you go.
Potatoes - The starch in potatoes is really useful for thickening. For a soup, or stew, consider adding smallish cubes of potato and cooking long and slow. Just before serving, put some of the liquid and potatoes into a blender and process until smooth, then stir back in to your dish.
These are things that might work to thicken a sweet dish or dessert: