Great British Menu ™ - Judges Comments
Surpise, surprise

Chef considered dish worth:
Judge awarded:
Paul Ainsworth: "Let's start with the bacon. Is that how you wanted it?"
Liv: "Maybe just a bit more rendered. A bit more heat for it as well. It's not really rendered.
Paul Ainsworth: "The sweetbread. Happy with the cooking on those sweetbreads?"
Liv: "Yeah, I really like the cooking on them."
Peers, tasting behind the scenes
"I would like it a bit more cooked. It's a little bit too snotty for me. The sauce is delicious. It's very sticky."
"The sauce is the best thing on the plate."
Back in the tasting room
Paul Ainsworth: "The parfait. Is that what you were going for?"
Liv: 'Color's great. But it's just not set."
Peers, tasting behind the scenes
"I want to hear about how the orange and the stock cube come together."
"Cilla might have been on to something. Sounded really weird. But actually, that savory with the orange is kind of nice."
Back in the tasting room
Paul Ainsworth: "Liv, if you were to score this dish, what would you give?"
Liv: "A six or a seven? I think it just needs that little fine tune."
Final Judging
Paul Ainsworth: "Liv, for your dish. Surprise, surprise. The pork jus, it was rich. It was dark. It was really well made. I love the textures in there. The pork belly itself, unfortunately, it was just undercooked, almost raw. The fat was very white. It just wasn't well executed. I like the glaze on your lamb sweetbreads, but unfortunately, the texture was just all very pappy. The chicken liver parfait, I think, you know, it wasn't set enough. I know that they're Cilla's favorite things. However, I think you were probably just a bit too led on the brief and the inspiration and didn't have enough focus on the actual execution.
Recipes from this season of Great British Menu ™
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