Every good cook wants to have good stock pots going. This is one of my favorite stock recipes.
4 onions (ideally use sweet yellow onions)
salt and sugar
Put a large, deep baking tray, with a light layer of olive oil in the bottom, into an oven that was pre-heated to 400 degrees. (The baking tray that I use is about 15" x 10" and about an inch and a half deep.)
Slice the onions, throw them into the hot oil, and sprinkle generously with salt, sugar and black pepper..Roast for about an hour - longer if necessary. You want them to be brown - deeper than golden.
Pour just a little hot water over the browning onions and stir hard, scraping any caramel up from the bottom of the pan. Keep pouring in water, stirring, scraping until you have a think brown stock. Take it off the heat and let it cool, at which time you will refrigerate it. Leave it at least 6 hours, then sieve it and set the liquid aside (refrigerated) until you need it.